Tasso fisso con premio finale (interesse lordo 0,35%; premio finale lordo 0,10%)
Product detail
Name: Tasso fisso con premio finale (interesse lordo 0,35%; premio finale lordo 0,10%)
Issuer: Mediobanca
Offeror: CheBanca!
Duration of restriction: 24 months
Minimum quantity to be subscribed for: 1,000.00
Currency: EUR
Gross interest rate in the event of early closure: 0.00%
Gross interest rate: 0.35%
Attached documents
Documentation 2017From 15/09/2017
Documentation 2016From 1/01/2016
Documentation 2014From 10/09/2014
To subscribe to products issued by Mediobanca, visit the CheBanca! website or ask your bank for information.