Financial calendar

Financial events

AGM - Approval of financial statements as at 30.6.2024

Financial events

BoD - Financial statements as at 30.9.2024

Financial events

Mediobanca 3M/1Q25 Results Conference Call

24 May 2023: Strategic Plan 2023-26 guidelines

ESG targets integrated in the business and financial strategies

Our strategy aims to combine business growth with social and environmental sustainability.

Mediobanca has become a member of the Net-Zero Banking Alliance and has neutralized its own direct emissions

Mediobanca confirms its commitment to tackle climate change.

Mediobanca becomes supporter of task force on climate-related financial disclosures recommendations

2023-26 Strategic Plan Guidelines. Mediobanca One Brand One Culture


Mediobanca is on top of the rankings for Investor Relations in the 2022 Institutional Survey

IR Policy

We consider Investor Relations as an ethical-strategic responsibility, aimed at creating an effective two-way communication between the company and the financial community.

Our mission focusses on three main areas:

  • creating an institutional and retail investor base for the medium/long-term for our equities and bonds;
  • promoting share liquidity and stabilising its progress;
  • fuelling continuous and constructive dialogue between investors and top management, also in relation to the strategic choices.

In order to reach these objectives, we work to ensure that communication is prompt, relevant, reliable, comparable (in space and time) and understandable to all categories of users.

For the transmission and storage of Regulated Information, Mediobanca uses the eMarket SDIR circulation system and the eMarket STORAGE mechanism available from managed by Teleborsa S.r.L., with registered office in Piazza di Priscilla, 4 - Rome.


Tel. +39 02 8829.1

Jessica Spina
Chief Strategy Officer

Luisa Demaria
Credit & Rating Agencies Relations Manager

Matteo Carotta
ESG & Retail Investor Relations Manager

Marcella Malpangotto
Senior Analyst

Marco Battistello
Corporate Web Manager