We are a banking group which strives to offer practical support to citizens and companies through a widespread regional presence. The high number of offices and sites scattered throughout Italy and abroad requires our relationship with the environment to focus primarily on the correct use and commitment to reducing consumption of water and paper and the proper management and minimisation of waste.

Water consumption

The Mediobanca Group is aware of its impact on the environment, and is committed to managing its consumption of natural resources responsibly, promoting the use of FSC certified paper and gradually eliminating plastic from its offices

  Unit 2022/2023   2021/2022 2020/2021
Water consumed118 m3 303,426 18,956 304,086  257,016
of which from mains   114,874 18,956 119,330  104,960
of which from wells76   188,552 0 184,756  152,056

118. Areas identified using the WRI’s Aqueduct tool. 
119. For water consumption, where figures are not available estimates have been used: for shared building expenses of which the precise share cannot be calculated, consumption has been estimated on the basis of the floor space in the building occupied. For bills still to be received, consumption has been estimated based on the previous year’s figures. Consumption figures for the New York branch office (MB Securities and Messier & Associés) are not monitored (as the shared consumption figures are not available)

Consumption of materials

The Mediobanca Group is aware of its impact on the environment and is committed to managing its consumption of natural resources responsibly, promoting the use of FSC certified paper and gradually eliminating plastic from its offices.

This brand distinguishes products and services with reduced environmental impact throughout their lifecycle, thus helping to protect the environment by reducing the quantity of waste and pollution, energy and water consumption, and reducing or eliminating the use of dangerous chemical substances
Monitoring of paper and waste is an important issue, allowing the Group to intervene with campaigns and initiatives to reduce their consumption by staff members.

The use of paper relates chiefly to the need to print and deliver documentation and/or presentations to the Group’s clients and stakeholders. The Group is committed to developing initiatives to reduce the consumption of paper and printing, to the dematerialization of all processes, to raising awareness among staff of the environmental impact of their daily actions, and to promoting virtuous habits.

To this end, the Group is committed to sourcing paper from responsibly managed sources, for example, Ecolabel or FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified paper, which states that the wood pulp used to make the paper has come from forests that are managed to rigorous environmental, social and economic standards.

Main paper consumption reduction initiatives


  • all credit cards provided to Mediobanca Group staff members since November 2019 have been in PLA (polylactic acid), which is 90% natural being made from biological materials derived mainly from corn; since May 2021, the credit cards issued by Compass branch offices have been manufactured in recycled PVC plastic, and similarly, all related paper materials (card carrier and envelope) have been manufactured from 100%-recycled paper.
  • Toner for printers is another material of which consumption is significant.
  • To reduce consumption and promote the use of sustainable materials, the Group has continued to maintain the initiatives already adopted:
  •  “Follow me”: for all printers at the various offices, which involves printing via a shared printing queue at centralized printers. Every time a staff member wants to print a document, they have to go to the shared printer and enter an access code directly. The campaign has led to a significant reduction in the amount of printing (especially in the number of mistakes or printouts which are forgotten), raising awareness among staff of the issues of sustainability and responsible uses of paper;
  • printers default configured to double-sided printing;
  • staff have been encouraged to make greater use of virtual PowerPoint presentations and electronic systems during meetings with clients and stakeholders, to reduce the number of printed copies;
  • increased digitalization in commercial activities in retail banking, through paperless statements and pdf information prospectus;
  • Mediobanca Premier and Compass have advanced electronic signature service using graphology techniques, which enable customers to sign off instructions and carry out certain investment activities online;
  • use of iPads by the Boards of Directors of Mediobanca S.p.A., MIS, Compass, Mediobanca Premier, Futuro, MB SGR, MBFACTA and MBCredit Solutions to replace paper-based documentation;
  • recycled paper used for some communications with Compass customers; since June 2018 has used certified Ecolabel73 paper for paper-based credit card statements;
  • For paper consumption, estimates have been used where data for recent months is unavailable, basing the estimates on the consumption figures recorded in the months prior to that  uncertified 80 gr paper has been replaced with FSC-certified 75 gr paper at the Italian offices;
  • an “Environment” section has been added to training courses starting from July 2019 to increase staff awareness in this area (virtuous conduct, best practice, etc.);
  • dematerialization of supporting documentation for expense claims, i.e. claims are uploaded to the system and thereafter managed in exclusively electronic format;
  • use of electronic lunch vouchers at Group level to replace the paper-based system previously in use.
  Unit 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
Total paper Tonnes      
Paper consumed (A4)   165.39 172.84 169.93
Paper consumed (A3)   1.39 1.92  1.57
Paper consumed (A5)   0.09 - -
Paper for commercial use (business cards and headed paper)   317.89 253.12  217.43
TOTAL   484.76 427.87  388.93

79. For paper consumption, estimates have been used where data for recent months is unavailable, basing the estimates on the consumption figures recorded in the months prior to that


The main products used to provide services to clients are related to office activities, hence the waste generated may be classified as follows: toner, paper, IT materials (e.g. computers, phones), and bulky waste. Surgical masks have been added to the categories of waste products in the last year, because of the pandemic.

Main waste reduction initiatives

The Group’s commitment to reduce the amount of waste it produces has taken the following forms in practice:

  • Plastic cups and spoons at the hot drink vending machines have been replaced with cups made out of recyclable paper and wooden spoons.
  Unit 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
Waste produced Tonnes      
Dangerous waste81   15.52 10.20  16.99
Toner   7.4 6.81  5.99
Other: electronic devices, batteries, surgical masks, etc.   8.12 3.39  11.00
Non-dangerous waste   70.18 44.77  50.55
Paper wrapping and cardboard   26.95 4.67  9.27
Bulky, wet and dry waste   43.23 40.10  41.28
TOTAL   85.69 54.97 67.54

80. At present waste disposal data is not specifically monitored by the Group.
81. For dangerous waste, methods based on estimates have been used where data is unavailable.

It should be noted that for toner the data refer to volumes acquired, while for the other categories the volumes have been derived from the waste treatment forms completed.

  Unit 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021
Untreated waste 82 Tonnes 77.79 46.89 61.58
Dangerous waste   8.22 3.14 11.03
Amount recycled   0.26 0.02 -
Amount recovered   7.96 3.11 11.03
Non-dangerous waste   69.57 43.75 50.55
Amount recycled   5.82 4.15 -
Amount recovered   63.75 39.60 50.55
Waste due for treatment83   7.91 8.08 5.96
Dangerous waste   7.30 7.06 5.96
Other   7.30 7.06 5.96
Non-dangerous waste   0.61 1.02 0
Other   0.61 1.02 0

82. At present the Group has no information on the means by which untreated waste is recovered.
83. At present the Group has no information on the type of treatment carried out. However, it is known that this category includes a small percentage of surgical face masks for disposal, equal to 0.03 tons, while the other 0.121 tons are recycled.

The management of waste such as plastic, paper, glass and aluminium includes use of the recycling facilities implemented by the local authorities. Accordingly, waste of this kind is collected by the local services.

The supply and disposal of toner is governed by a framework agreement with Kyndryl; for companies not covered by this agreement, the relevant identification form (Formulario Identificazione Rifiuto, or FIR) is submitted.

In Italy the Group does not acquire regenerated materials (such as toner) or recycled materials with the exception of paper.
The disposal of computer material, bulky items and surgical masks is managed by specialist firms that issue the requisite FIR forms when the items referred to are collected. For each type of waste treated, the forms contain a specific section entitled “destination, in which it is specified whether the waste is recovered or disposed of.