Fairness in remuneration systems
Our remuneration policy reflects principles of neutrality in order to ensure equal treatment regardless of gender difference or any other form of diversity, basing our assessment and reward criteria exclusively on merit and professional capabilities.
In terms of inclusion, everyone who works for us is treated without discrimination, exclusion, restrictions or preferences, whether direct or indirect, based on: age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or nationality, physical or mental disability, pregnancy or maternity (including adoptions), personal convictions, political opinions, or trade union affiliations or activities.
In order to facilitate the application of gender neutral policies, we have adopted a granular model for analysing remuneration data in relation to position held, which includes consideration of the responsibilities and complexity of the different roles involved.
For this reason, as well as the Gender Pay Gap, which is required to be calculated under the Bank of Italy Supervisory Instructions and the EBA Guidelines, we also perform more indepth analysis, measuring the Equity Pay Gap as well.
The Equal Pay Gap (which compares Equal Pay for Equal Work) analyses:
- Equity in terms of remuneration between men and women who do similar jobs of equal importance, performing analysis by role/title/profile
- The effective wage gap based on the number of jobs in each cluster.