Chief Executive Officer

On 14 June 2017, the Board of Directors assigned to the Chief Executive Officer, with the support of a Management ESG Committee, the oversight of activities relating to sustainability and the actions to be implemented and monitored.
On 19 September 2019, the Board of Directors set up its own Sustainability Committee , with powers for matters pertaining to sustainability, in particular processing proposals to be submitted to the attention of the Board itself, for instance:

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  • the Group sustainability policies;
  • the sustainability reporting, including the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement and annual reporting compiled as part of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (the TCFD Report) and the Principles for Responsible Banking (the PRB Report); 
  • the ESG strategy, at the CEO’s proposal
  • definition and monitoring of ESG objectives, including those included in the Strategic Plan
  • supervision of activities in support of diversity and in order to promote a more inclusive working environment.

Management of these activities is one of the factors taken into consideration in evaluating the Chief Executive Officer’s performance.

Sustainability Committee

The Sustainability Committee is an internal board committee appointed in 2019 with preliminary duties on the sustainability issues to be presented to the attention of the Board of Directors. In addition, the Committee oversees the validation of some strategic sustainability documents.

ESG Committee

The ESG Committee is appointed by the Chief Executive Officer with the objective of supporting him in the fulfilment of his CSR responsibilities. In consideration of the strategic role it plays, the Committee is composed of key company figures who ensure consistency between business development and the attainment of the group sustainability objectives.
The Committee meets every two months and, depending on the issues discussed, involves the managers of specific functions.


Group Sustainability Function

The Group Sustainability unit reports to the Chief Executive Officer, assisting him in all issues relating to social responsibility and ensuring the Group is positioned correctly on these issues in its various areas of operation.

Find out more on group governance 

Governance Tools

In March 2020, the Mediobanca Group updated its Group Sustainability Policy, adopted some management tools that allow us to circulate and promote a culture geared towards ethics, integrity and sustainability of the business, not just internally, but also along the entire chain of value.

The Group Sustainability Policy, was adopted with the objective of formally defining the non-financial areas of group commitment. The Policy augments, by strengthening their principles, the numerous tools already present - like the Code of Ethics, the Code of Conduct and the 231 Organisation Model - aimed at guaranteeing the ethics and integrity of the business.

Find out more on business ethics