Investors & Shareholders

Ranked among the most solid banks in Italy, Mediobanca is a financial group specialised in Wealth Management, Corporate & Investment Banking and Consumer Banking. Low risk profile and highly profitable, sustainability of results over time, professional integrity and unique business model are among the key features that have enabled us to create and consolidate a reputation that is now our hallmark.

Equity Investors

target equity


Mediobanca’s ownership structure consists of more than 46,000 shareholders, with a sizeable and increasing share of institutional investors.

The Mediobanca Group’s ownership structure has changed significantly since 2003, in line with the transformation of its business model from that of holding company to a specialist financial group. The percentage of institutional investors has grown, as the role of the historical Mediobanca shareholders’ agreement has diminished.

A Consultation Agreement with no lock-up conditions was signed by various shareholders at year-end 2018.

azionariato Eng

Fixed Income Investors

target debt


This page provides summary information on the ratings assigned to our group by the leading international ratings agencies. Currently we are rated by Fitch Ratings, Standard & Poor’s and Moody's.

ESG Investors

Our strategy is centred on growth that is sustainable over time. Empowerment of people, development of the social context and the reduction of direct and indirect environmental impacts are an integral part of our business objectives.

target CSR
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