An unparalleled position within the Italian financial panorama

We are the leading investment bank in Italy, with an unmatched reputation on the strength of our outstandingly talented professionals, our product and service offering of the highest quality, and our capabilities in executing projects.
We are able to help our clients choose the solutions that are best suited to their corporate needs, all the way up to the most complex and sophisticated solutions available on financial markets.
Our clients know they can count on our impeccable professionalism and the qualities that have always been our hallmarks: confidentiality, discretion, reliability, integrity in our business, and proper conduct in the way we approach our clients.

Our positioning has been enhanced by the synergies that CIB has been able to leverage with the Wealth Management Division. By working together in a systematic and structured manner, we can make our indepth knowledge of the Italian business world available to Italian companies, consolidating our position as bank of choice for entrepreneurs and their companies, and offering the Wealth Management Division’s clients a full range of products traditionally reserved to the world of investment banking, such as:

  • Corporate finance (acquisitions and sales)
  • Equity Capital Markets (IPO)
  • Lending (acquisition financing)
  • Markets (margin loans, hedging)
Our services
Corporate finance

We help the companies we work with in assessing the best capital structures and financing solutions for them.

Advisory services

We provide advisory services to companies for their extraordinary needs, such as mergers and acquisitions, restructuring operations, company valuations and risk management.

Financial markets

We co-ordinate and execute equity and debt capital markets transactions.
Mediobanca Research is our acclaimed equity brokerage division.

Mediobanca Sustainable Finance Hub

We have created a portal for monitoring the GSSS bonds market.

Specialty Finance

We have operations in factoring business through MBFACTA and in credit management through MBCredit Solutions.