The “Vincenzo Maranghi” Historical Archive preserves the legacy of Mediobanca and forms part of Italy’s collective cultural heritage.

Mediobanca has always taken great care in organizing its legacy, preserving it in the form of the company documents and network of national and International relations that have allowed Mediobanca to develop into the bank it is in the economic and financial panorama.

The Group Mediobanca "Vincenzo Maranghi" Historical Archive, instituted in 2012 after the Bank had been in business for 66 years, is tasked with the mission of making this legacy available for consultation.

Acknowledgement of the unique contribution that Mediobanca is able to make to the economic and financial history of Italy led to various initiatives that culminated in 2014 in the Archive obtaining a declaration that is of particularly important historical interest (link to SALOM letter). Work began on cataloguing the archive in the same year.

Mediobanca has chosen to make the documents available for consultation in digitalized form at its own premises, in order to preserve the originals. The inventory, which is organized in tree format, can be accessed digitally, bringing up the document images in each holding immediately in the order in which they were found.

The Bank has decided to make the documents for the first twenty years of its history available: from its inception until 31 December 1966.

Interventi del convegno del 7 novembre 2014